Aldeth Spence Christy


First of all, no words are adequate to describe this woman. The attempt to take her measure is vexing because she was so far ahead of most in the fierce effort and comprehension she put to everything. Yet, unable to resolve the enigma, one is lifted by the challenge. Please hold this thought in mind as you read the following words, and on this Web site every effort will be made to reveal the woman those who knew her in person encountered.


In her vision, passion, intellect, and industry, Bunny was the inspiration of students and colleagues. Beset by physical and emotional illness and in chronic pain most of her life, she yet persevered with an inspired and stubborn tenacity that amazed her physicians and friends. Many tell that, by helping them find the courage to trust their instincts and extend the authority of their aesthetic reach, she changed their lives.


But Bunny did not have whatever it takes to promote oneself in the world of art. She mostly worked quietly, if doggedly, taught private students, and wrote in her journals. Though she was for a time a member of a cooperative gallery in Washington, DC, she really did not show her work ...